New Crochet Bikini Pattern now on my Youtube Channel

After sailing for almost 2 years, I went from Western Australia to Indonesia, and back to the East coast of Australia, where I am at the moment, I finally had time and a workspace to put all my designs together and start making my video tutorials!

It would be great if all my readers could go to my Channel and subscribe to it, and also leave me a comment telling me your thoughts about them, if it’s easy to follow, too fast, etc…

So this is the link to my channel subscription:

The Video to the top of Byron Bay Bikini is:

And the bottom:

The pattern for this bikini is here:

This pattern is from easy to intermediate and it only uses simple stitches, so you should be able to make it easy. In the pattern print I put a few more colorways you can use in case you don’t like this colors, I used a simple cotton 4PLY yarn to make it and it’s a really nice design you can make for less then 10$, so it’s great as a gift for a friend or even your daughter 🙂

So I hope you enjoy it, give me your like and comment on the video if you have any questions or suggestions, so the next one can be even better!

Fabi Correa

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